Urban Hub

A Fresh Look at Urban Challenges

17 Jun , 13:00–14:00
Panel discussion
Passage, Roscongress Urban Hub

Presentations by three urban planning experts who are changing the city and the environment around us (in the format of TED talks). A modern view of experts on the challenges facing cities. The participants will have a chance to talk to each other following the presentations. Young people will have the opportunity to ask any questions about the path of urbanists and architects, and hear professional life hacks.

Yulia Zubarik, Bureau founder «MASTER’S PLAN»

Евгения Арефьева, Управляющий партнер ИТП «Урбаника», преподаватель Высшей школы менеджмента СПбГУ
Даниил Веретенников, Руководитель проектов в компании ПроГород
Данияр Юсупов, Главный архитектор студии «Дизайн Unit4»
