Urban Hub

The New Look of the Metropolis. How Developers Are Transforming Cities

16 Jun , 11:00–12:00
Open discussion
Passage, Roscongress Urban Hub

The appearance of cities is actively changing, which is creating a new way of life for citizens. What design principles do leading development companies adhere to today? How are developer projects changing people’s lives on the scale of a district or an entire city? How do developers view the urban environment of the future? We will answer these and many other questions during discussions with key executives from leading Russian development companies.

Yulia Zubarik, Bureau founder «MASTER’S PLAN»

Alexey Almazov, Managing Partner for the Regions Segment, FSK Group of Companies
Андрей Иваненко, Управляющий партнер, Самолет Москва
Ivan Polandov, General Director, PIK SZ
Vasily Selivanov, Chief Executive Officer, LEGENDA Intelligent Development
Vladimir Shchekin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Co-owner, Rodina Group
