Urban Hub

Green Is the New Black. Sustainable Development in Russia: Realities and New Opportunities

14 Jun , 13:00–14:00
Panel discussion
Passage, Roscongress Urban Hub

Over the past year, green development has only become a more popular issue at the leading discussion platforms. The professional community’s interest in this topic is clearly growing. Why is this happening though? What and who are the drivers of this growth? Why do developers need a sustainable development agenda now? Can sustainable development also be beneficial for developers? Does green building save money or is it an additional investment? What projects and what technologies can be applied now? What is new on the market and what tools can be introduced?

Andrey Sharonov, Chief Executive Officer, National ESG-Alliance

Nikolay Ivanov, Vice-President for the Implementation of State Programmes, Sustainable Development and Forest Policy, Segezha Group
Vasily Selivanov, Chief Executive Officer, LEGENDA Intelligent Development
Marina Slutskaya, Sustainability Director, DOM.RF Bank
Кира Смирнова, Директор по устойчивому развитию ГК «Самолет»
