Urban Hub

Industrial Cities 2.0. What Are the Priority Activities for the Cities of the Future?

14 Jun , 10:30–11:30
Panel discussion
Passage, Roscongress Urban Hub

In the current times, it is becoming clear that economic growth alone does not improve people’s quality of life and their level of happiness. In this regard, cities have begun focusing on integrated development, while paying special attention to non-industrial activities and areas that affect people’s emotional and psychological health. What types of activities have become key in cities? How are these activities interrelated, what might a sustainable urban ecosystem look like, and how do we create a better living environment?

Екатерина Мовсесян, генеральный директор АО «КРОС»

Yulia Zubarik, Bureau founder «MASTER’S PLAN»
Sergey Ladyzhenko, General Director, Yenisei Siberia Development Corporation
Андрей Лихачев, генеральный директор АО «Рублево-Архангельское», «Сбер-Сити»
Anton Finogenov, заместитель генерального директора Фонда ДОМ.РФ
Ruslan Yunusov, сооснователь, Российский квантовый центр
