Technological advances and socioeconomic expansion are responsible for the rapid growth of the travel industry. Tourism is a major development driver for different regions, creating thousands of jobs, expanding communication networks, and improving living standards. To ensure sustainable sector diversification, the environmental, economic, social, and cultural aspects of tourism should all be accounted for. Is there a ready-made formula for sustainable development in tourism? How can the potential for tourism as a multiplier of benefits be best nurtured and what steps should be taken to build a competitive sector given the changing economic climate?
Veronika Strizhak ,
Head and Presenter of the Glavnoye programme, Channel Five
Lev Kuznetsov ,
Minister of the Russian Federation of North Caucasus Affairs
Elena Kountouras ,
Minister of Tourism of the Hellenic Republic
Klaus Mangold ,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, TUI
Vladimir Medinskiy ,
Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation
Alexander Misharin ,
First Vice President, Russian Railways
Taleb Rifai ,
Secretary-General, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Oleg Safonov ,
Head, Russian Federal Agency for Tourism
Garegin Tosunyan ,
President, Association of Russian Banks
Valery Khrabrov ,
General Director, Amadeus - Information Technology
Igor Yurgens ,
President, All-Russian Union of Insurers