Partners 2016

    Array ( [ID] => 268 [~ID] => 268 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [CREATED_BY] => 3 [~CREATED_BY] => 3 [IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 1 [~SORT] => 1 [NAME] => Генеральные партнеры [~NAME] => Генеральные партнеры [PICTURE] => [~PICTURE] => [LEFT_MARGIN] => 1 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 1 [RIGHT_MARGIN] => 12 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 12 [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРТНЕРЫ [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРТНЕРЫ [CODE] => generalnye-partnery [~CODE] => generalnye-partnery [XML_ID] => 169 [~XML_ID] => 169 [TMP_ID] => [~TMP_ID] => [DETAIL_PICTURE] => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/generalnye-partnery/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/generalnye-partnery/ [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [IBLOCK_CODE] => [~IBLOCK_CODE] => [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 169 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 169 [UF_NAME_EN] => General partner [~UF_NAME_EN] => General partner [RELATIVE_DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [EDIT_LINK] => [DELETE_LINK] => [~ELEMENT_CNT] => 8 [ELEMENT_CNT] => 8 [ELEMENT_CNT_TITLE] => 8 items [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( ) )
  • General partner
  • Array ( [ID] => 274 [~ID] => 274 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [CREATED_BY] => 3 [~CREATED_BY] => 3 [IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 2 [~SORT] => 2 [NAME] => Партнеры ПМЭФ 2016 [~NAME] => Партнеры ПМЭФ 2016 [PICTURE] => [~PICTURE] => [LEFT_MARGIN] => 13 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 13 [RIGHT_MARGIN] => 26 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 26 [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ПАРТНЕРЫ ПМЭФ 2016 [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ПАРТНЕРЫ ПМЭФ 2016 [CODE] => partnery-pmef-2016 [~CODE] => partnery-pmef-2016 [XML_ID] => 175 [~XML_ID] => 175 [TMP_ID] => [~TMP_ID] => [DETAIL_PICTURE] => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/partnery-pmef-2016/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/partnery-pmef-2016/ [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [IBLOCK_CODE] => [~IBLOCK_CODE] => [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 175 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 175 [UF_NAME_EN] => SPIEF partners [~UF_NAME_EN] => SPIEF partners [RELATIVE_DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [EDIT_LINK] => [DELETE_LINK] => [~ELEMENT_CNT] => 44 [ELEMENT_CNT] => 44 [ELEMENT_CNT_TITLE] => 44 items [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( ) )
  • SPIEF partners
  • Array ( [ID] => 281 [~ID] => 281 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [CREATED_BY] => 3 [~CREATED_BY] => 3 [IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 3 [~SORT] => 3 [NAME] => Информационные партнеры [~NAME] => Информационные партнеры [PICTURE] => [~PICTURE] => [LEFT_MARGIN] => 27 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 27 [RIGHT_MARGIN] => 38 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 38 [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ПАРТНЕРЫ [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ПАРТНЕРЫ [CODE] => informatsionnye-partnery [~CODE] => informatsionnye-partnery [XML_ID] => 182 [~XML_ID] => 182 [TMP_ID] => [~TMP_ID] => [DETAIL_PICTURE] => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/informatsionnye-partnery/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/informatsionnye-partnery/ [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [IBLOCK_CODE] => [~IBLOCK_CODE] => [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 182 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 182 [UF_NAME_EN] => Media partners [~UF_NAME_EN] => Media partners [RELATIVE_DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [EDIT_LINK] => [DELETE_LINK] => [~ELEMENT_CNT] => 35 [ELEMENT_CNT] => 35 [ELEMENT_CNT_TITLE] => 35 items [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( ) )
  • Media partners
  • Array ( [ID] => 287 [~ID] => 287 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [CREATED_BY] => 3 [~CREATED_BY] => 3 [IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 4 [~SORT] => 4 [NAME] => Партнеры по организации [~NAME] => Партнеры по организации [PICTURE] => [~PICTURE] => [LEFT_MARGIN] => 39 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 39 [RIGHT_MARGIN] => 46 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 46 [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ПАРТНЕРЫ ПО ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ПАРТНЕРЫ ПО ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ [CODE] => partnery-po-organizatsii [~CODE] => partnery-po-organizatsii [XML_ID] => 188 [~XML_ID] => 188 [TMP_ID] => [~TMP_ID] => [DETAIL_PICTURE] => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/partnery-po-organizatsii/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/partnery-po-organizatsii/ [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [IBLOCK_CODE] => [~IBLOCK_CODE] => [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 188 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 188 [UF_NAME_EN] => Organization partners [~UF_NAME_EN] => Organization partners [RELATIVE_DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [EDIT_LINK] => [DELETE_LINK] => [~ELEMENT_CNT] => 30 [ELEMENT_CNT] => 30 [ELEMENT_CNT_TITLE] => 30 items [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( ) )
  • Organization partners
  • Array ( [ID] => 291 [~ID] => 291 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 3 [DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 10/30/2017 11:25:10 pm [CREATED_BY] => 3 [~CREATED_BY] => 3 [IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 168 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 5 [~SORT] => 5 [NAME] => Техническая документация [~NAME] => Техническая документация [PICTURE] => [~PICTURE] => [LEFT_MARGIN] => 47 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 47 [RIGHT_MARGIN] => 48 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 48 [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ ДОКУМЕНТАЦИЯ [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ ДОКУМЕНТАЦИЯ [CODE] => tehnicheskay-documentacia [~CODE] => tehnicheskay-documentacia [XML_ID] => 192 [~XML_ID] => 192 [TMP_ID] => [~TMP_ID] => [DETAIL_PICTURE] => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/tehnicheskay-documentacia/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/archive/2016/partners/tehnicheskay-documentacia/ [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content [IBLOCK_CODE] => [~IBLOCK_CODE] => [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => 145 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 192 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 192 [UF_NAME_EN] => [~UF_NAME_EN] => [RELATIVE_DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [EDIT_LINK] => [DELETE_LINK] => [~ELEMENT_CNT] => 1 [ELEMENT_CNT] => 1 [ELEMENT_CNT_TITLE] => 1 item [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( ) )
General Media Partners
Special Media Partner
International Media Partners
Media Partners
Information Support
General Media Partner

RT is a global television news network, broadcasting around-the-clock from Moscow to more than 700 million people in over 100 countries in English, Arabic and Spanish. The RT network also includes RT America channel airing in the US, RT UK broadcasting in Britain, documentary channel RTDoc in English and Russian, online news platforms in French and German and a global video news agency, RUPTLY.

RT news covers the major issues of our time for viewers wishing to Question More and delivers stories overlooked by the mainstream media to create news with an edge. RT provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints an international audience with the Russian viewpoint.

RT has a weekly TV audience of 70 million people in 38 countries (Ipsos), of which 35 million watch RT daily. It is also the most watched TV news network on YouTube with more than 3 billion views.

RT is the winner of the Monte Carlo TV Festival Award for best 24-hr broadcast, and the only Russian TV channel to receive three nominations for the International Emmy Awards for News.

General Media Partner

TASS - Russia’s government-run news agency and an integral part of the world media system – has been in the media business since 1904

A staff of more than 1,000 and more than 60 foreign bureaus and 70 regional centers in Russia maintain a steady news flow on line round the clock.

TASS generates a diversified line of news and audio-visual products and services in Russian and English, encompassing practically all aspects of society’s life: politics, the economy, business, international relations, science, culture and sports.

The richest reference fund and a unique photo archive are capable of providing illustrations and reference information to accompany any news item within seconds.

Every year TASS holds hundreds of promotion events featuring Russian and foreign political leaders, representatives of the biggest Russian and foreign companies, culture workers, scientists and athletes.

On the list of its subscribers TASS has both Russian and foreign mass media, federal and regional bodies of state power, diplomatic missions, representatives of business and financial circles, non-governmental organizations and many others.

TASS is the most pro-active and authoritative member of world and regional media organizations, which maintain relations of partnership with more than 60 news agencies around the world.

TASS: We know!

General Media Partner

«Vesti» is the first and only Russian news TV channel broadcasting 24 hours a day¸ 7 days a week. It keeps its viewers informed of world, national and regional news, provides economic analysis and in-depth interviews with leading politicians, public figures and experts. The channel’s most significant feature is live coverage of such major events as economic forums, international summits, spacecraft launches etc.

«Vesti» (formerly called «Russia 24» TV channel) – leader of news broadcasting in 2013. Channel’s positive share dynamics (+28.5%) reinforce its leadership and indicate existing potential for development of news broadcasting in Russia. As in previous years, Vesti traditionally remains the most cited TV channel in country’s media.

These results were achieved in spite of rising competition and new entities entering the TV news market. It shows that measured thematic channels are gaining ground.

Graphic design has been updated with a mix of the best properties from adjacent fields: printing industry, mobile and web applications. In choosing an evolutionary approach, we want to show that the channel values tradition but isn’t set in its ways. We proactively respond to demands from the audience and are willing to set new standards for TV news broadcasting.

«Vesti» TV channel broadcasts via TV air frequencies and cable networks of Russia’s 85 regions, satellite platforms NTV+, Hot Bird which covers Europe and Middle East and the USA’s largest satellite platform - DirectTV. According to TNS estimates, «Vesti» broadcasts can be received by 55% households.

Special Media Partner

RBC (RBC PJSC) is a leading Russian media holding, with leadership positions in news and business media, as well as in domain name registration and hosting. The company’s history counts more than 20 years. RBC employs key media platforms such as the Internet, TV, and press, develops B2B media services, and provides domain registration and hosting services (RU-CENTER Group).

Statistics shows that practically every other economically active Russian citizen is RBC’s business project reader or viewer. RBC’s aggregate monthly business audience exceeds 34m people (source: TNS data, including overlapping audience). At the same time, has continually been ranked among top online media in the citation ranking (source: Medialogia data for 2014).

RU-CENTER Group provides services to more than 1 million users, with major Russian companies and leading players on the Internet market among them.

Special Media Partner

Founded on May 1st, 1958, China Central Television (CCTV) is the state broadcaster of the People’s Republic of China. CCTV currently has 43 channels, including 30 public channels and 13 premium channels. Among those channels, CCTV-1 has the most extensive coverage, the largest audience and the greatest influence in China, with a national coverage rate of 97.17%. In 2015, CCTV’s overall audience share was 30.67%, and the total broadcast time of the public channels was 241 thousand hours.

China Central Television has 31 domestic and 70 foreign bureaus. The network has seven channels broadcasting internationally, including CCTV-4 (a Chinese-language international channel), CCTV NEWS, CCTV-Español, CCTV-Français, CCTV--العربية, CCTV-Русский and CCTV-Documentary (International Version). CCTV has 37 new media apps which have been downloaded cumulatively over 186 million times. The network also publishes video materials via CCTV News Content ( Every day, more than 80 pieces of footage are released through this global distribution system.

Special Media Partner

Business FM - Russia’s first business radio station.

Broadcasting in Moscow at the frequency 87.5 FM,

Saint-Petersburg - 107,4 FM,

Ufa - 107,5 FM,

Kaliningrad - 101,8 FM,

Ekaterinburg - 99,4 FM,

Krasnoyarsk - 104,2 FM,

Сhelyabinsk – 100,8 FM.

Nignii Novgorod- 107,8 FM,

Novosibirsk - 105,7 FM.

Samara - 90,6 FM.

Rostov- on Don – 106,6 FM

Business FM provides an exclusive product for a small segment of the general public but the most active and influential one, which in minutes must have the full spectrum of information

about money. Business FM is a member company of the RUMEDIA group of companies. Telephone: +7 (495) 660-88-75, RECLAMA@BUSINESSFM.RU

International Media Partner

CNBC, First in Business Worldwide, is the recognised world leader in business news and financial information; providing the latest real-time market information, unrivalled coverage of breaking news, in-depth analysis and interviews across its TV, desktop and mobile platforms. CNBC’s fast-paced, hard-hitting business coverage is essential viewing for senior business leaders, the financial community and anyone with assets to invest, or protect. During evenings and weekends the channel shows the best in sport, current affairs, insightful documentaries and entertainment. Today the channel is available in more than 377 million homes worldwide. Visit WWW.CNBC.COM for more information.

International Media Partner

euronews is the Europe’s leading international news channel and a full multimedia news hub.

euronews covers world news and broadcasts 24/7 in 13 languages: Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian.

euronews reaches 425 million households in 158 countries via cable, digital satellite, terrestrial windows and delivers a complete range of digital products (websites, mobile applications, smart TV, radio). In addition, euronews has launched its own digital radio station.

euronews enjoys a solid position as leading international news channel in Europe; each day, 3.9 million

Adults watch euronews (source: Eureka/peoplemeters Q4 2015).


International Media Partner

PR Newswire is the leading global provider of PR and corporate communications tools that enable clients to distribute news and rich content across traditional, digital and social media channels in real time with full actionable reporting and monitoring.

Producing, optimising and targeting news and content across the world’s largest multichannel distribution network and offering the most accurate and frequently updated opted in journalist databases for over 60 years PR Newswire has a truly global reach serving clients across EMEA, India, the Americas and Asia-Pacific.

International Media Partner

International Broadcasting Sputnik

Sputnik (SPUTNIKNEWS.COM) is a news agency and radio broadcaster with multimedia information hubs in dozens of countries. Sputnik operates through websites, analog and digital radio broadcasting, mobile applications and social media. Sputnik newswires are published in English, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese round the clock.

Sputnik websites are available in more than thirty languages, including English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Turkish and French. Sputnik websites carry a variety of content, including infographics, video, photo essays, live video and audio streaming and Internet voting. In addition to prompt news release, Sputnik also publishes analytical materials and exclusive interviews.

International Media Partner

Caixin Media is a leading media group in China, dedicated to providing financial and business news and information through online content, periodicals, mobile apps, conferences, books and TV/video programs. Caixin Media aims to blaze a trail that helps traditional media prosper in the new media age through integrated multimedia platforms.

Among Caixin products, is a must-read for understanding China’s financial and business world, with multimedia products that integrate news, information, opinion and analysis and spurs further interaction. It offers around the clock, high-quality and original content from an objective and professional perspective, and serves elite audiences in political, financial, business and academic circles. Caixin Online ( is Caixin’s English-language website.

Caixin - China Economics & Finance is the top English-language magazine covering business and finance in China. Caixin magazine offers key insights into the market and illuminating key issues in the country today. Digital versions are available for iPad, Amazon Kindle and Zinio.

International Media Partner

Bloomberg was founded in 1982 with one core mission: to bring transparency to capital markets through access to information. Today’s Bloomberg—with more than 15,000 employees in 192 locations in 72 countries around the globe—builds on that foundation. Everything that we do connects decision makers in business, finance and government to a broad and dynamic network of global and local information, news, people and ideas that enables faster, more effective decisions. The companies strength- delivering data, news, analytics and electronic trading through innovate technology is the core of the Bloomberg Professional Service, with over 320,000 subscribers worldwide.

International Media Partner

Thomson Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, scientific, healthcare and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organization.The headquarters is in New-York. We employ approximately 60,000 people and operate in over 100 countries

Thomson Reuters shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: TRI) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: TRI). To find more about company and products on HTTP://THOMSONREUTERS.RU/

Media Partner

Vedomosti daily is a unique project, brought to life in 1999 by two leading global business newspapers, Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal, which pooled their efforts to create a truly independent business newspaper in Russia. Today, Vedomosti is owned by a private Russian company and can use Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal materials, being part of their syndicates.

Vedomosti newspaper and online see their mission in providing readers with timely, detailed and objective coverage. More than 100 journalists inform them about the most important economic, financial, corporate and political events, offering analysis, insight and forecasts.

Media Partner

Echo of Moscow (Russian: Эхо Москвы, Echo Moskvy) is a Russian radio station based in Moscow, broadcasting in many Russian cities, in some of the former-Soviet republics (through partnerships with local radio station) and via the Internet, which some observers describe as «the last bastion of free media in Russia». Most of the content consists of news and talk shows focusing on social and political issues and the station tries to represent different points of view. The current editor is Alexey Venediktov.

Media Partner

«EXPERT» is the exclusive business weekly that works at economics, business, social and political processes deeply and professionally.

Over the years, «EXPERT» has become not just a magazine, but business partner to hundreds of business owners, topmanagers, executives, and managers at various levels all over the country. «EXPERT» is a desk edition of the decision makers.

«EXPERT» is not limited to facts and figures, but gives readers the volume and reliable information, representing the trends, analysis, forecasts, ratings, characterizing the state of industries, publishing interviews with key figures in business.

The magazine holds an open and independent position, leads an active social life, gaining more and more great reputation each year.

Media Partner

FSВI «Editorial «Rossiyskaya gazeta»

«Rossiyskaya Gazeta» is a modern multimedia group that provides readers daily with up-

to-date, reliable and relevant information about Russian regional and federal affairs and

worldwide events.

The newspaper and its electronic platforms publish news, features, exclusive interviews

and comments from public officials and the most powerful representatives of business,

politics and culture.

Today "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" is the leader in terms of audience size in the segment of

daily sociopolitical and business newspapers. It is also among the leaders of the media

citation rating.

Media holding of «Rossiyskaya gazeta» include:

«Rossiyskaya gazeta» - daily nationwide newspaper

«Rossiyskaya gazeta - Nedelya» - weekly nationwide social and political newspaper

«Rodina» - monthly historical magazine

RG.RU - news social and political web site

International project Russia Beyond the Headlines - monthly supplements about

Russia in leading global media.

Media Partner

Forbes Media has 100 years of great history. It is a global media, branding and technology company with editors in different countries and more than ten millions readers all over the world.

The company was founded in the USA in 1917 by Bertie Charles Forbes. Russia's first issue was published in April 2004, and in 2009 quarterly Forbes Life and Forbes Woman supplements appeared, as well as the website

Forbes Russia is famous for independent ratings, success stories of billionaires, expertise on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and affluent lifestyles, known columnists and speakers.

Circulation of Forbes magazine is 100,000 copies. Forbes is the most quoted media in Russia (according to Medialogia rating).

Since October 2015 the publisher of Forbes Russia is an international publishing group ACMG. Currently ACMG offices are situated in Berlin, Milan, Moscow and Paris. The most important direction of development of the group are the digital media.

Media Partner

Italian news agency Agi – Agenzia Giornalistica Italia is a key player in the national and international communication arena. Agi’s news bulletins inform Italian institutions, businesses and media since 1950, while pursuing an international growth strategy in key areas worldwide.

With 13 news desks within Italy, an active network of correspondents and partners in over 50 countries, and news production in 6 languages, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, Agi creates value through its integrated information supply-chain: from news production to PR, marketing and communication activities; from event organization to web management, social media marketing and online reputation campaigns; from editorial production to media relations and media training activities.

Media Partner

PH «Kommersant» was founded in 1989. Nowadays, it is one of the eldest Russian publishing houses and one of the most authoritative and influential mass-media in the country, whose main principles are efficiency, authenticity and objectiveness.

Daily newspaper «Kommersant» is a first private business title in Russia. Portfolio of the PH «Kommersant» consists of weekly analytical magazine «Kommersant Vlast», economic weekly «Kommersant Dengi», socio-political weekly «Ogoniok», weekly magazine about lifestyle «Kommersant WEEKEND», monthly shopping guide «Kommersant CATALOG», monthly automobile magazine «Kommersant AUTOPILOT» and monthly color supplement to the Kommersant newspaper «STYLE» about lifestyle and actual fashion tendencies & news.

PH «Kommersant» launched official web-site in 1995. In March, 2010 «KommersantFM» radio station has started it’s regular broadcasting.

PH «Kommersant» applications are available for mobile devices operating on Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, Android and iOS platforms.

Media Partner

L! FE is a media product of News Media holding.

The owner of the license for broadcasting of TV channel is Media Content.

LIFE.RU – is a new media social network, which is presented in online and on TV with all actual information from different areas: #news, #politics, #economics, #stars, #relax, #animals, #house, #science, #food and other.

The cumulative audience is more than 100 000 000 people.

Content of LIFE.RU online project is created by the best Russian authors and it includes first exclusive news and exclusive investigations, and also interactive and entertaining materials.

Significant role in events on LIFE.RU is played by users – civil journalists send information via the LifeCorr and LifeFun applications and their number is about 1 million people worldwide for today.

Media Partner

elEconomista is a financial daily newspaper with headquarters in Madrid (Spain) that was established in February 2006 to cover all issues for all audiences. It was the first Spanish newspaper with integrated paper and internet editions from the start. Published by Editorial Ecoprensa SA, it was launched with the ambition of creating a new type of financial journalism., is the group’s financial portal. It is the world leader in economic on-line press in Spanish. The group also publishes for the entire American continent and, one of the first financial portals in Mexico, with headquarters in the Mexico City Stock Exchange.

Media Partner

Prime is the leading business news agency in Russia and a subsidiary of Rossiya Segodnya media company. It ranks 1st among the most-cited financial news agencies in the country.*

An outstanding team of journalists and analysts works day and night so that subscribers will be the first to know the key Russian and global economic news and events.

PRIME provides data to the Russia's Presidential Executive Office, Russian Government, Bank of Russia and other public agencies as well as to major Russian banks and companies. PRIME subscribers include news aggregators and leading business media.

PRIME has an exclusive cooperation agreement with Dow Jones Newswires in Russia, publishing news items on the global foreign exchange, commodity and stock markets.

PRIME is also accredited by the Bank of Russia to disclose securities information. The agency acts as a publisher and distributor of the Bank of Russia Bulletin.

Besides, PRIME is an official partner of major trading platforms and rating agencies. Through PRIME Inforterminal the agency can broadcast a wide range of data feeds, news and analytic items and macroeconomic data.

The agency's portfolio comprises over 40 corporate products and services, such as BIR-Analitik system – a tool for comprehensive corporate analysis and evaluation of business landscape, credibility assessment, identification of customers and market research. Another system – Prime Trading Terminal – is used to manage liquidity, conversion, deposit and credit transactions with bank subsidiaries and customers.

*According to the 1Q data by Medialogia


Media Partner

The Moscow Times. The only print and online English language edition in Russia, an independent source of news about Russia and social and cultural events for expats, tourists and English-speaking Russians, as well as Russia watchers around the world. The Moscow Times provides its readers with up to date information on politics, economy, business, arts and essential viewpoints on current affairs in Russia. A private media outlet, it practices independent, balanced approach to the coverage. Published since 1992. Since 2015, is owned by the Moscowtimes Company.

Media Partner

Rossiya Segodnya is an international media group whose mission is to cover world events in a prompt and unbiased manner and to inform its audiences about various viewpoints on key events, including those uncovered by other media.

The group is Russia’s largest provider of information products for a wide international audience, offering radio broadcasting in over 80 cities of the world, 24х7 newswires, information portals in over 30 languages, multimedia press centers, production and distribution of photo content and infographics, platforms in social networks and mobile applications.

International journalist and Director General Dmitry Kiselev and Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan are responsible for running Rossiya Segonya.

Media Partner

The newspaper "Izvestia" is one of the oldest Russian periodical publications.

The history of the newspaper has already counted up to 99 years - just in one year "Izvestia" will celebrate its 100th anniversary. And for it’s anniversary the media arrives as one of the most reputable and respectable one on the Russian media market. In the past three years the newspaper has managed to turn into the leader of the Russian information space.

The newspaper "Izvestia" takes a leading position among the most influential print media according the Medialogia since 2012.

Also, on July 2, 2015 there was held the annual National Award "Russian Media Manager - 2015", in which Alexander Potapov - The former chief editor of the newspaper "Izvestia" - received the award in the nomination "For the revival of the brand and the creation of respectable publications."

Limited Liability Company "AINEWS», which is part of the "News Media" holding company, is committed to high standards of service and is the exclusive provider of services on putting news reports in the newspaper "Izvestia".

Newspaper’s subject is the coverage of events in Russia and abroad, analysis and commentary, also overview of business and economics, cultural and sporting events, as well as interviews with prominent artists, politicians, athletes and businessmen.

The paper is available both in print and in electronic form.

"News media" has a rich experience of a flawless work with leading domestic and foreign companies.

Media Partner

Interfax is the leading information group in the CIS and the recognized leader in the B2B segment of Russia’s information market. Interfax was founded in 1989, when a group of journalists formed an information agency that became the first nongovernmental outlet for the political and economic news about the Soviet Union. Interfax is the most frequently cited source for information on Russia and the CIS in the world media and the most popular newswire service on the Russian financial market.

Interfax develops professional information solutions that help companies operate in the financial and commodity markets, enabling them to make investment decisions, manage risk, organize external communications and fulfill regulatory requirements.

Interfax's best-known services include SPARK (counterparty risk management), EFiR (market data and analytics), SPARK-Marketing (analysis of commodity markets), E-DISCLOSURE.RU (regulatory news disclosure center), SCAN (media analysis and monitoring), ASTRA (analytical solution for compliance with Russian law on transfer pricing), X-Compliance (Know Your Customer solution to comply with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing legislation).

Under the Interfax Global Energy brand the Interfax group provides English language information services on the global natural gas market.

Working with Sberbank of Russia and Experian, Interfax created the United Credit Bureau, Russia’s market leader for consumer credit information. Interfax's joint venture with Dun & Bradstreet, another international information market leader, provides business information.

Information Support

World Finance Review is a quarterly publication dedicated to promoting investments into emerging economies, attracting international businesses and fostering direct investments into Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

World Finance Review strives to provide accurate and objective information and cutting edge analysis of trends and developments in economic and financial spheres, international investments and regional cooperation.

World Finance Review is has a high-ranking target audience that has been carefully selected to achieve high rate of response to information delivered.

World Finance Review – Your Partner for Successful Global Investment!

Information Support

The National Bank Magazine is the national scale business edition, devoted to the problems of the banking community. It was established by Association of Russian Banks in November, 2003.

The magazine covers a state of the domestic banking market, its part in the development of national economy and society, its place in the world financial system.

Three topical sections “Banks & World”, “Banks & Business”, “Banks & Society” disclose peculiarities of the bank community’s life and its activity in Russia and abroad. Every issue has a key topic, and basic articles refer to it.

127473, Russia, Moscow, Suvorovskaya pl., 1/52, 3

Tel.: +7(495)221-88-15



Information Support

MEDIACRAT is a publishing and advertising agency that produces special interest and custom media content, offers a wide range of creative, BTL and other media services. Founded in 2004, today MEDIACRAT is one of the most dynamic media holdings in Russia and is particularly well-known for its products and services in such segments as international business (BRICS Business Magazine), private banking and wealth management (SPEAR’S Russia), sports (BOLSHOI Sport) and lifestyle for men (WATCH Russia), as well as custom publishing.

BRICS Business Magazine is a bookazine – a book-like magazine – addressed to global investors, business executives, politicians, and experts. A business and humanitarian publication on rapid-growth markets, it is issued four times a year and explains how to understand others. The goal of this project is to organize a direct information exchange between the BRICS countries and other emerging markets.

Information Support
Information Support
Information Support

Rambler News Service (RNS) is a rapidly growing agency, specializing in providing in-depth and engaging analysis of current affairs in Russia and beyond, exclusive economic news and related multimedia content.

By focusing on the major events, decisions, appointments and resignations within the intricate framework of big corporations, we are able to bring you video content featuring topical commentary from leading business, economic and political experts.

Forming part of the Rambler&Co digital group, our team of over 50 seasoned specialists report in real time and around the clock on the economy, policies and everything in between, delivering content for thirteen different topic-specific news feeds: Economy, Finances, Energy sector, Internet, Industry, Consumer markets, IT and Media, Transport, Military-Industrial complex, Brands, Advertisement and Marketing, Science, Sports economics.

Information Support

Askanews is a leading Italian news agency specialized in providing constantly updated multimedia information with text, photos and video. With more than 100 journalists, 3 headquarters in Italy - Rome, Milan and Florence - a network of correspondents throughout national and international territory, askanews guarantees a widespread and prompt information flow. askanews avails itself of newsrooms in Moscow, New York and Bruxelles, alongside a network of journalists spread through the world capitals. The News Report is the main service of the agency, within journalistic video-news, a multimedia, immediate and effecting information tool. askanews daily produces a growing number of news both on website and on social networks. askanews is the first news agency in Italy for views on YouTube, it has nearly reached 75,000 likes on Facebook and a total number of 4 million unique visitors on the most important Italian news headings.

Information Support