

Sustaining Economic Expansion
Panel Session

The success of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris has made addressing climate change a top-priority issue, with clear targets to moderate further global temperature increases. But limiting greenhouse gases will have costs for many legacy industries – estimated by some to top USD 100 billion – while new investments in science and technology will spur new business opportunities and expand markets. How are businesses adjusting their strategies in the light of these changes and will the potential benefits of creating green industries and mitigating climate change risks outweigh the costs of restructuring certain industrial sectors and building the required infrastructure?

John Thornhill , Innovation Editor, The Financial Times

Jens Birgersson , President, Chief Executive Officer, ROCKWOOL International A/S
Anton Botes , Global Oil & Gas Leader, Deloitte, South Africa
Nikolai Podguzov , Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Maxim Sokov , Chief Executive Officer, En+ Group
Charles Hendry , Minister of State for Energy (Department for Energy & Climate Change) of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2010–2012)
Dimitris Tsitsiragos , Vice President, New Business, International Finance Corporation
Igor Chestin , Director, World Wildlife Fund - Russia
Hakima El Haite , Minister Delegate for the Environment of the Kingdom of Morocco


Key moments

Tax breaks are the most effective measure for encouraging the transition to low-carbon development.
Nikolai Podguzov
In a competitive environment, if you do not deal with climate change as good or better than your competitors, you will go out of business.
Anton Botes