The SME Forum

Big Money for Small Businesses: Hacks for Attracting Credit and Capital

05 Jun , 12:15–13:45
Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Forum: Growth
Financial Debate
pavilion G, conference hall G5

The volume of the SME portfolio totalled RUB 12.4 trillion by the end of 2023, which is a historical maximum. At the same time, the delinquency rate is the lowest in history: only 5%. Banks’ interest in the sector is as high as ever, but the expansion of preferential lending programmes in the context of high interest rates is crucial. Alternatives to loans, such as leasing, factoring, crowdfunding, microfinancing and even bonds, are sometimes not only more accessible and favourable than loans, but can become the basis for financing business expansion and open up new opportunities for entrepreneurs. There is also experience of innovative forms of funding – issuing DFAs, for example, and this is also available to entrepreneurs. What kind of trouble spots need to be dealt with, limited government programmes or curtailment? Why are current resources insufficient to support non-credit forms of financing? Why is the cost of resources for micro-enterprises so high?

Pavel Samiyev, Editor-in-Chief, Financial Sphere Section of Bankovskoye Obozreniye Magazine; Member of the Presidium of the Management Board, All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises "OPORA RUSSIA"

Mikhail Bryukhanov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Pervouralskbank
Sergey Vologodsky, Deputy General Director, Gazprombank Leasing
Evgeny Gurevich, General Director, Kapital Life Insurance
Alexey Lazutin, General Director, Mosgorlombard
Mikhail Mamuta, Head of Service for Protection of Consumer Rights and Ensuring the Availability of Financial Services, Member of the Board of Directors, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Olga Myamlina, Financial Director, CarMoney
Ivan Podbereznyak, Chairman of the Board, SME Bank
Dmitry Taskin, Director for Primary Bond Market Development, Moscow Exchange
Roman Frolov, Member of the Board of Directors, VSK
Yaroslav Chereshnev, Managing Director of Digital Bank, Sovcombank
Alexander Chernoshchekin, Head of the block of medium and small business, Promsvyazbank
Evgeny Shcheklanov, Managing Director, SberLife Insurance

Yuliya Bogunova, General Director, Intek-audit
Ilya Vinokurov, Board Member, Bond Owners Association
Ella Gimelberg, General Director, Pragmatic
Egor Diashov, General Director, Dialot Investment Company
Anatoly Kozlachkov, Vice President, Association of Banks of Russia
Anton Kuprinov, Executive Director, Moscow Small Business Credit Assistance Fund
Pavel Mitrofanov, General Director, Expert Business Solutions
Ilya Pokamestov, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, founder, founder, FACTORING PRO
Sergey Savinov, General Director, Interleasing
Evgeny Samoilov, General Director, Rusaudit
Oleg Senkov, General Director, ARENZA
Ruslan Yalovenko, General Director, RusMilk
