The SME Forum

Role of Economic Diplomacy and Trade Relations in Greater Eurasia in the Current International Environment

05 Jun , 12:15–13:45
Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Forum: Foreign Economic Activity
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2

Events are forcing businesses to literally reinvent systems and mechanisms of international trade and economic cooperation. One could wait for the situation to stabilize and for new relations to be established in the changed reality, but the economy does not tolerate such pauses. Entrepreneurs and their associations must act here and now, finding new forms of cooperation, making mistakes and achieving success. What experience is applicable and what recommendations exist regarding these vital questions that have no ready-made, standardized answers?

Alexey Bobrovsky, Economic Observer

Anatoly Korneev, Co-founder, Vice President, Simple Group
Pierpaolo Lodigiani, Chief Executive Officer, Investa Finance
Andrey Pantyukhov, General Director, Ikon Tyres
Donato Parisi, Founder, Parisi & Co
Philippe Pegorier, Partner, Kesarev
Irina Potapova, General Director, Alliance Health Technology
Carlo Spada, General Director, EDILSIDER
Vittorio Torrembini, President, Association of Italian Entrepreneurs in Russia (GIM Unimpresa)
Antonio Fallico, President, Conoscere Eurasia Association
Tadzio Schilling, Chief Executive Officer, Association of European Businesses (АЕВ)
