The SME Forum

International Trade in a Multipolar World: What Will Replace the WTO, the IMF and the Dollar?

05 Jun , 14:15–15:45
Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Forum: Foreign Economic Activity
pavilion G, conference hall G3

Today, the international institutions established on the basis of the Bretton Woods Agreement, which set out rules for international trade, are no longer functioning. At the same time, new formats of interaction have not yet been created. The gradual abandonment of the usual mutual settlements in US dollars leads to the search for a new pricing benchmark. The Russian Federation, as part of its participation in international organizations such as BRICS and SCO, could initiate the creation of new rules and new institutions regulating international trade which are resistant to economic wars and allow the countries that have joined to maintain their trade potential in the current crisis conditions. What tools do businesses use in their foreign trade? What are the possibilities of using platform solutions? How to conduct international trade without being tied to existing institutions? What clearing schemes are used? How to properly use digital and cryptocurrencies? What are the options for creating new institutions in a multipolar or pan-regional world?

Nonna Kagramanyan, Vice-President, Head of the Executive Committee, All-Russia Public Organization Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)

Mikhail Anichkin, President, Peacemaker International Security Centre
Dmitry Antonov, Senior Vice President, Resurs Group of Agricultural Enterprises
Alexander Zhuravsky, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Public Projects
Ilya Ivaninskiy, Director of the Center for Business Education and Analytics, Central University; Partner, Yakov & Partners
Divesh Kumar, Honorary Representative, Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India
Dmitry Polikanov, Deputy Head, Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo)
Elina Sidorenko, Director of the Center for Digital Economy and Financial Innovation, MGIMO University; General Director, Platform for Business.RF
Roman Chekushov, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Licensing in the Field of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Robert Agee, President, Chief Executive Officer, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia

Front row participants
Olga Belyakova, Director for International Development, "National Association of Investment and Development Agencies"
Mikhail Makarov, Director of the International Relations Office, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Anna Nikitchenko, Vice President, National Institute for Systems Research on Entrepreneurship
Aleksey Poroshin, General Director, FIRST Investment Consulting Group
Mikhail Sadchenkov, Chief Executive Officer, National Brand NPO; Editor-in-Chief, Head, Made in Russia Media Platform
Yury Saprykin, Vice President for Regional and International Development, Skolkovo Foundation
Sergey Sokolov, General Director, Novosibirskkhleboprodukt
Vitaliy Stepanov, General Director, Moscow Export Center
Maxim Chereshnev, Chairman, Russian Trade and Economy Development Council;
