The SME Forum

Interaction between SMEs in Russia and the Arab World

05 Jun , 14:15–15:45
Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Forum: Foreign Economic Activity
pavilion G, conference hall G4

In the context of globalization and increased competition in the world markets, cooperation with Arab countries is becoming increasingly relevant. The Arab world is one of the world’s biggest economic regions, where rich natural resources, industry, and agriculture are concentrated. The growing market for goods and services in the Arab world holds great potential for Russian entrepreneurs. Also, innovative solutions and distinctive products from Russia can meet the needs of Arab consumers. The interaction between SMEs from Russia and the Arab world can become the basis for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation. This will help to strengthen international relations, boost the economy, and improve the wellbeing of our countries. What is the right way to build a high-quality dialogue aimed at strengthening trade and economic relations between SMEs in Russia and the Arab world?

Nadiya Cherkasova, Vice-President, OPORA RUSSIA

Walid Abdelfattah Farghal Abdalla, General Director of the AIM Congress, AIM Global Foundation
Rashid Afnan Al Zayani, President, MENA Businesswomen’s Network (online)
Siham Ahmed Al Harthi, Chief Executive Officer, Siham Development & Investment
Omar Al-Ubaydli, Acting Director of Studies and Research, Derasat (online)
Abdullah Baabood, Мember of the Board of Directors, State Islamic Area Studies (online)
Najibullah Jabbori, Representative of Russian Export Center in the United Arab Emirates
Alexey Palamarchuk, General Director, NtechLab
Abdulaziz Bin Saqar Saudi, Founder, Chairman, Gulf Research Center (online)
Valery Tumin, Member of the Expert Council for the Development of the Digital Economy, Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy
Roman Chichkanov, Founder, MAYRVEDA; Head of the subcommittee on preventive medicine and health tourism, All-Russian public organization "Business Russia"
Ilya Churakov, Founder of the digital acceleration center in the United Arab Emirates
