The SME Forum

Production Solves Everything: Will SMEs Become the Engine of the Country's Technological Sovereignty?

05 Jun , 14:15–15:45
Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Forum: Industries
pavilion G, conference hall G5

The current economic situation should drive the development of the manufacturing business in the country. This should be facilitated by a comprehensive and carefully thought out government policy aimed at progressive development and systematic support. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing sector remains low, around 8%, far lower than in China and Western countries. At the same time, it is feasible for our country to develop manufacturing SMEs and ensure independence and economic breakthrough by launching a programme similar to Soviet-era industrialization, which resulted in rapid industrial growth. In many respects, the acute issue of human resources is a determining factor in the expansion of manufacturing businesses. According to research and business surveys, more than 60% of enterprises are experiencing staff shortages. At the same time, the modern economy is a knowledge economy, which is primarily based on intellectual, rather than physical labour. In order to address the issue of import substitution, technological and technical breakthrough, we need highly qualified specialists who can offer scientific developments and solutions of potential interest to business and the state. What factors limit and which, on the contrary, stimulate the development of small high-tech manufacturing companies? What support measures exist on the part of the state and development institutions? What does business really need? Staff shortages for manufacturing SMEs: should we focus on robots and artificial intelligence, or does the engineer decide everything?

Elena Dybova, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Alfia Kogogina, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Small and Medium Entrepreneurship

Sergey Bashkatov, General Director, AMA PRODUCTION
Marina Bludyan, First Vice President, All‑Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium‑Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Valeria Vorobieva, Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Denis Zhuravskiy, Chief Executive Officer, Association of Industrial Parks of Russia
Farid Zakirov, General Director, KIP Master
Alexander Izyukov, Director, EVORUS
Natalia Korotchenkova, Secretary of State – Deputy General Director, Member of the Board, Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation
Mikhail Labudin, Director, Association of Clusters, Technology Parks and SEZ of Russia
Alexey Matantsev, Development Director, Gidront
Alexey Matushansky, Director of the Department for Strategic Development and Corporate Policy, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Vitaly Medko, Managing Partner, Law Firm Medko Group
Natalia Neverskaya, Director for Government Relations, Leroy Merlin
Vladimir Pastukhov,
Stanislav Studzinsky, Deputy General Director, PM Vent
Evgeny Chupin, Marketing Director, Privodnaya Tekhnika Group of Companies
