The SME Forum

Individual Approaches to Support: Systematic Approach to Business Support Measures

05 Jun , 14:15–15:45
Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Forum: Growth
pavilion G, conference hall G1

Despite the fact that certain support measures for entrepreneurs are being implemented at the federal and regional levels, a systematic approach has not yet been developed, and there is no general strategy for the development of youth entrepreneurship. Currently, the system of state support measures for business has a number of shortcomings, such as different procedures for creating support measures and different criteria for recipients. These problems hinder the systematic management of support measures for business, and reduce the efficiency of the use of budgetary funds. What problems does the system of support measures for business have? What measures should be taken to simplify and unify the system? How to make the system more accessible for entrepreneurs? What best practices from other countries can be applied in Russia?

Alexey Bobrovsky, Economic Observer

Mikhail Goncharov, Founder and manager of the Teremok Restaurant Chain; Chairman of the Committee on Restaurant Business in the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia"
Pavel Gudkov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Financial Support and Technological Expertise, Skolkovo Foundation
Alexander Demin, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Small and Medium Enterprises
Aleksandr Isayevich, General Director – Chairman of the Management Board, Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation
Roman Petrutsa, Director, Industrial Development Fund
Maxim Protasov, Head, Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo)
Yakov Sergienko, General Director, Yakov & Partners

Front row participant
Sergei Cherkasov, Strategy Director, Director of the Technology and Entrepreneurship Division, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
