Self-Employed: Entrepreneur or Not?
In modern society, an increasing number of people choose self-employment as a type of occupation and a way to earn money. However, the question arises: is a self-employed person an entrepreneur? On the one hand, the self-employed do not create a legal entity or hire employees, which distinguishes them from entrepreneurs. On the other hand, they organize their activities independently, are responsible for the results of their work, and pay taxes. What kind of criteria are there for defining an entrepreneur? What rights and obligations do the self-employed have? What are the similarities and differences between the self-employed and entrepreneurs?
Alexander Deryabin,
Chairman of the Omsk regional branch, OPORA RUSSIA
Marina Bludyan,
First Vice President, All‑Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium‑Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Alla Volchkova,
Director, Health and Beauty Center
Denis Dybov,
Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Maria Litvinova,
Executive Director, Association of Pharmacy Institutions "SoyuzPharma"
Mikhail Ryzhenkov,
Deputy Managing Director, Avito
Marina Sedlovskaya,
President, Association of Entrepreneurs in the Beauty Industry “Beautiful Business AKB”