The VinoGrad Themed Venu

Russian Wine as a Brand

15 Jun , 14:00–15:00
Passage in zone G, VinoGrad

In the past few years, the Russian wine industry has experienced a series of favourable developments, propelling Russian wines into the realm of distinguished brands. Once regarded as mass-produced and budget-friendly beverages, Russian wines are now rapidly carving out their niche in the market.
One of the fundamental reasons for the surging popularity of Russian wine lies in the enhanced quality of production, leveraging world-class practices, and embracing an innovative mindset. With unwavering dedication, the country's winemakers have invested considerable effort into refining their techniques and adopting modern grape cultivation methods.
An equally vital factor contributing to the rising acclaim of Russian wine is the heightened focus on marketing and branding. Russian wineries are proactively crafting unique brand identities, meticulously attending to every facet of product launch: from accurately designing captivating labels to orchestrating tailor-made promotional campaigns targeting their desired audience.
What are the key challenges that need to be surmounted to strengthen Russian wine as a brand? When will "Super Tuscan" yield to "Super Russian"? How can the art of mythmaking contribute to the process of brand establishment? Given the legislative restrictions, what strategies can be employed to effectively promote wine in Russia?

Alexey Plotnikov, Executive Director of the Association of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia

Ilya Voloshin, Winemaker, Cock t'est belle
Dmitry Mednikov, Managing Director, Russian Media Group
Ernest Khachaturian, Executive director of LUDING GROUP
Oleg Khuzin, co-owner of Organika Vodka, Commercial Director, Alma Valley

Рем Акчурин,
Aleksey Kucherov, Moscow Entrepreneur, Owner, Hills&Rocks Sevastopol Project
Evgeniy Litvyak, Co-owner and managing partner of the first Russian organic and natural wine bars in Russia "Na Vina"
Andryus Yutsis, Winemaker
