Prospects for the Growth of the Digital Financial Assets Market in Russia
Digital tools have become widespread in many developed nations. Despite the global trend, lots of people do not trust them. Russia began independently regulating digital financial assets with legislative in 2021. Digital financial assets (DFAs) make it possible to tokenize almost any asset, from precious metals to a square metre of real estate, from debt obligations to securities. At the same time, DFAs differ from classical financial instruments technologically and structurally, which helps to single them out as a separate segment of the investment and financial market. Numerous innovative DFA-based instruments were released in 2022–2023. They include DFAs for precious and non-ferrous metals as well as and DFAs for debt, which enable small and medium-sized businesses – suppliers – to obtain more affordable financing and an instrument with a record-low entry threshold that is tied to the cost per square metre of real estate. The issuance of DFAs is more technologically advanced and in many respects faster and more convenient for the issuer compared with classical instruments. In the future, tokenization will create new opportunities for both business and investors. How can the development of DFAs make it easier for business to gain access to capital, expand the range of investment products, and redirect domestic investment in the Russian economy amidst sanctions? What is the best way to incorporate digital technologies into the financing mechanisms of various industries and improve domestic investment potential using DFAs?
Kirill Tokarev,
Editor-in-Chief, Anchor, RBC
Anatoly Aksakov,
Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Financial Markets
Sergey Anokhin,
First Vice President - Financial Director, Rostelecom
Natalia Voevodina,
Chairman of the Board, ROSBANK
Ekaterina Frolovicheva,
General Director, Atomyze
Ivan Chebeskov,
Director of the Department of Financial Policy, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Alexander Shokhin,
President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs