Business programme

By days By themes
14 June
Russia – Kyrgyz Republic
Business Dialogue
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
14 June
Architecture of Sky Development: The Face of the New Economy 2035
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
14 June
Pavilion H, conference hall H22 (2nd floor)
14 June
Professionalism: An Industry-Specific Approach to Staff Training in the Context of Import Substitution
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
14 June
Promoting Science for Business and Government
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
14 June
Returning to Russia: The Potential of Compatriots for Regional Development
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion F, conference hall F3
14 June
A Place for Everyone: Education and Science in Agricultural Universities
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
14 June
The Role of Women in Shaping Russia's Future
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E12
14 June
LET'S GO: Integrated Unmanned Freight Transport Hits the Motorway for the First Time
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
14 June
Business Dialogue
Hilton Saint Petersburg ExpoForum (2nd floor), Hilton Hall 2
14 June
Developing an Inclusive Community: Tripartite Dialogue on the Role of Inclusion in the Development of Russia's Human Potential
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion G, conference hall G6
15 June
Climate Economy: The Carbon Market as an Innovative Mechanism for Extrabudgetary Financing of Socially Beneficial Projects
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
Business breakfast

In partnership with Gazprombank<br />by invitation only

15 June
Global Challenges as Opportunities for International Cooperation
Business Breakfast
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E12
by invitation only

15 June
Tourism in Russia: A Focus on People, Sustainable Development, and Investment Attractiveness
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G7
15 June
Breakfast with ‘Znanie’: The Diplomacy of Enlightenment
Passage in zone H, Roscongress Club
Business breakfast

15 June
Integration in the Name of Development: Practical Aspects of Cooperation Under the SCO
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
15 June
Between Globalism and Protectionism: Strategies for Developing Technology
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall
15 June
Dedollarization: The Future of Money
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
15 June
Northern Sea Route: New Challenges
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
15 June
How the Russian Economy will Develop
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D1
15 June
Taking Inventories of Territories: New Opportunities in the Use of Spatial Data
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
15 June
On the Road to Recycling: From Waste to Resources
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G1
15 June
Russia on the World Map 2040
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
15 June
Where There Are People, There Is Business: Strategic Motivation for Private Investment in Demography
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
15 June
The Prosperous Man – the Primary Objective of Social Policy and a Key Resource for the Country’s Development
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
15 June
Assessing the Economic Impact of Non-Profit Organizations, Charity Work, and Volunteering
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion H, conference hall H23 (2nd floor)
15 June
Prospects for the Growth of the Digital Financial Assets Market in Russia
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
In partnership with Norilsk Nickel

15 June
Russian International Development Assistance: Modesty or PR?
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion F, conference hall F21 (2nd floor)
15 June
The Climate Agenda VS Technological Sovereignty: How to Turn Challenges into Opportunities?
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
15 June
15 June
Home is Where the Heart is
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
15 June
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges. The Role of Priority 2030
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G4
15 June
Control Legislation as a Driver of Economic Growth
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
15 June
Moving South: Effective Development in the New World
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
B20 Regional Consultation Forum

15 June
Ensuring Global Food Security in the Current Environment
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion F, conference hall F3
In partnership with the Russian Association of Fertilizer Producers (RAFP)

15 June
BRICS Business Partnerships in the New Economic Reality
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
15 June
The North–South International Transport Corridor: Fostering Cooperation
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
15 June
Global Financial Risks: New Challenges for External Audits
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
15 June
Integration Dialogue: Partnership Instead of Competition
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
15 June
Seaport Turn: From West to East?
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
15 June
The Investment Potential of Russia’s Creative Industries
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
In partnership with VK

15 June
Back to the Future, or Forward to the Past?
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
15 June
Attracting Extrabudgetary Funding for Import Substitution Projects
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G4
In partnership with Promsvyazbank

15 June
15 June
Public Administration: Between People and Data
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G7
15 June
A Russian Fleet for New Maritime Transport Corridors
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
15 June
The New Migration Policy: How is the Labour Market Set to Change and How Can We Attract Highly Qualified Professionals?
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion F, conference hall F20 (2nd floor)
15 June
15 June
Business Dialogue
Pavilion G, conference hall G1
15 June
Health Development as a Factor of Economic Growth
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
15 June
Russian Game Development and Trends of Its Growth
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion H, conference hall H23 (2nd floor)
15 June
Social Support Projects for the Population as Drivers of Economic Development
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion F, conference hall F21 (2nd floor)
15 June
Time of Youth: Accidental Success or the Talent Pool of Russian Business?
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
15 June
Forum Opening Ceremony
Congress Centre, Congress Hall
15 June
Investing in Cities: Measuring Effectiveness
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion F, conference hall F3
15 June
Trust Between Business and Government: Investing in the New Reality
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G7
15 June
15 June
Energy for the 21st Century: Challenges of Today as Opportunities for Tomorrow
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
15 June
New World Economy: Not Global Anymore, but Still Interconnected
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G6
Valdai Discussion Club Session

15 June
The Language of Diplomacy in a Multipolar World
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
15 June
Transforming International Trade: New Tools and Paths to Development
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
In partnership with Russian Post

15 June
Russia–Asia: Is the World Going Digital?
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
In partnership with Mir Payment System

15 June
Concerted Action: Configuring the Tax System through Feedback
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall
15 June
The Union State of Russia and Belarus: Strategy for Interaction
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
15 June
Investments in Precious Metals: The Retail Market and “Digital Gold”
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
15 June
Sport in the New Reality: From Competition to Product
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
15 June
Women in Industrial Development: New Horizons
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
15 June
The Cultural Generation: How Art Shapes People
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
15 June
Green Buildings Get the Green Light: Construction of Energy-Efficient and High-Quality Housing
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion H, conference hall H23 (2nd floor)
15 June
Russia as a Global Tech Hub: New Strategies to Create Unicorn Companies
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
15 June
Preserving National Health: Smart Solutions for Modifying Risk Factors
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion F, conference hall F20 (2nd floor)
In partnership with the Association of Medical Sdecialists on Risk Modification

15 June
The Battle for Digital Attention. What will People in Russia Watch Tomorrow?
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G1
15 June
Business Dialogue
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
15 June
The Russian Finance Ministry’s Internal Control Bodies Celebrate Turning 100: A Dialogue About the Future
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion F, conference hall F21 (2nd floor)
15 June
Digital Dictatorship vs Digital Sovereignty: Problems, Risks, Opportunities
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
15 June
Business Dialogue
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D1
15 June
The Entrepreneur's Alma Mater: Profits and Creation
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
15 June
Creating a Financial Culture as a Growth Driver
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
15 June
Multipolarity and Connectedness as a New Paradigm of International Trade
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion F, conference hall F3
15 June
Film and Series Production in Russia Today: Support in the Context of Sanctions
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall
15 June
300 Years of Experience: What's Next for Russia's Scientific Institutions?
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion H, conference hall H23 (2nd floor)
15 June
The Battle for Investments and the Battle of Investments: Public VS Private
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G6
15 June
GO East: The Middle East as a Focal Point for Investment and Financial Flows and a Trade Hub
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
15 June
Combatting Counterfeit Goods: A National Cause
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion F, conference hall F21 (2nd floor)
15 June
Consolidating Public Consciousness: Expanding Forms of Mutual Assistance through the Prism of Traditional Values
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion G, conference hall G4
15 June
Renewable Energy: Low Electricity Prices or Technological Sovereignty?
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
15 June
Mining as a "White Swan" of the Russian Economy: What Should be Done Now?
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
In partnership with BitRiver

15 June
Russia – Latin America
Business Dialogue
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D1
15 June
Medical Tourism: Improving Healthcare Systems Around the World
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
15 June
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Why are Europeans Choosing Russia?
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
15 June
Domestic Brands: New Opportunities for Growth
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
15 June
15 June
Recruitment in the Modern Age: What does Today's Dream Employer Look Like?
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
15 June
A Digital Leap in Agriculture
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G7
In partnership with Russian Agricultural Bank

15 June
Russian Higher Education: New Opportunities
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
15 June
Interaction Between Large Businesses and SMEs: International Experience
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G1
15 June
The Onset of the Singularity: AI vs Humankind and the New Reality
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
15 June
New World – New Opportunities: How to Advance Russia’s Positions and Approaches Abroad
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
16 June
Russian Economy: New Course. Priorities and Alternatives
Business Breakfast
Sber Business Breakfast

(by invitation)

16 June
The Halal Industry: Prospects and Accomplishments
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
16 June
Social Partnerships as a New Competitive Advantage
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
16 June
Intellectual Property as the Foundation of Innovation-Driven Economic Growth
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G4
16 June
The Arctic: Territory of Investment Opportunities and Vivid Travel
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
16 June
Unlocking the Production Potential of Russian Companies
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion F, conference hall F21 (2nd floor)
16 June
The Russian Automotive Industry Today and in the Future
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
16 June
Islamic Banking: Prospects to Become an Effective Tool for Attracting Investment to Russia
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion H, conference hall H23 (2nd floor)
16 June
Export Potential as a Driver for the Development of IT in Russia
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
16 June
Cyberphysical Space: Made in Russia
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G1
16 June
Preferential Regimes: Stable Conditions and Quality Infrastructure for Investors
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion F, conference hall F20 (2nd floor)
16 June
16 June
A Digital Area of Growth: How Labelling is Changing the Business Climate
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
16 June
Profit Through Skills: Investing in Professional Development
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
16 June
16 June
The Russian Stock Market and Domestic IPOs: Revival under Restrictions
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G7
16 June
Better at Home: How to Get Young People Involved in the Regional Economy
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
16 June
Comprehensive Resocialization of Veterans: Global Experience and Best Russian Practices
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
16 June
Technological Alliances: The Future of Russian High-Tech Exports
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall
16 June
Business-Contact with Vladimir Soloviev
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
In partnership with VEB.RF

16 June
Healthy Eating – Healthy Development
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
16 June
AI: The Foundation of the Economy of the Future and a Beacon of Russian Technological Sovereignty
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
16 June
Business under Protection: Further Efforts to Build a Favourable Business Climate
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
16 June
Development of Critical Information Infrastructure: Threats and Prospects
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
16 June
Presenting the Results of the Russian Regional Investment Climate Index
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D1
16 June
The World’s Wealth: The Role of Subsoil Resource Management in Ensuring Commodity and Technological Sovereignty
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
16 June
Sovereignty in Sport
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
16 June
Urban Environment Development: National Theatre as an Economic Model
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion F, conference hall F20 (2nd floor)
16 June
Sustainable Digital Dialogue as a Driver for a Multipolar World
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion F, conference hall F21 (2nd floor)
16 June
Corporate Sport: The Role of Business in Supporting Sport and the Role of Sport in Supporting Company Values
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion G, conference hall G1
In partnership with Managers Association

16 June
Business Dialogue
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
16 June
Russia's Labour Market: The State of Labour Potential and Mechanisms of Its Development
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
16 June
Improving Quality of Life in Cities: Investments in the Urban Environment and Infrastructure
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G4
In partnership with DOM.RF

16 June
Biomedical Science as a Key Factor in Achieving National Security
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
16 June
The Role of the Nuclear Industry in Achieving Technological Sovereignty and Technology of the Future
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G6
In partnership with the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom

16 June
Strategic Dialogue: Technological Development
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G7
16 June
Heroes Behind the Scenes: How to Make an Industrial Movie?
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall
16 June
New Development of Siberia: A 21st-Century Megaproject
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion H, conference hall H23 (2nd floor)
16 June
Russia – Algeria
Business Dialogue
Hilton Saint Petersburg ExpoForum (2nd floor), Hilton Hall 1
16 June
International Cooperation in the Name of Health
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
16 June
The EAEU: Impulses for a New Era
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
16 June
How National Price Indicators Can Help Protect Competitiveness
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
16 June
International Cooperation Between Women: New Opportunities for Scientific and Technological Development
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
16 June
Developing the Talent Economy: National Innovation Ecosystems and International Cooperation
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
16 June
Russian Banking on the Path of Sovereign Development: Realignment for Advancement
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
In partnership with VTB Bank

16 June
The Route is Set: The Prospects for Developing Auto Tourism in Russia
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
16 June
Updating Russia's Long-Term Industrial Policy for the New Reality
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
In partnership with METALLOINVEST

16 June
About Those Who Look to the Future: Presentation of the EPS Rating
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G1
16 June
Technologies of the Future: When They’re Needed, It’s Already Too Late
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
16 June
Modern-Day Mythology. What is the Value of a Legend?
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G4
16 June
Cooperation with BRICS Countries in Space: From Partnership to Technological Alliance
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G6
16 June
Agglomerations: A Source of Growth in Times of Turbulence
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G7
16 June
AI in Higher Education: A Breakthrough or Degradation?
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
16 June
Made in Russia: A Mark of Quality on the World Map!
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
16 June
Technological Sovereignty in Agribusiness: Challenges and Opportunities
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall
16 June
Overcoming the Global Digital Crisis: Is There a Way Out?
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
In partnership with Rostelecom-Solar

16 June
Plenary session
Congress Centre, Congress Hall
(by invitation only)

17 June
17 June
IT Breakfast
Business Breakfast
Pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall
Business breakfast

17 June
Development Territories: Empowering Youth in Regional Advancement
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
17 June
Money Out of Thin Air: The Escalating Allure of Green Youth Entrepreneurship
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
17 June
Engaging Exploration: Inspiring Youth Interest in Science
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
17 June
"Start-up as a Major": Showcasing Student Start-up Projects
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
Pitch session

17 June
Award Ceremony for the Winners of the 20th national contest ‘My Country — My Russia’
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D1
17 June
Project Destiny. Apprenticeships and Internships
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
17 June
Gene Therapy: Embarking on the Future Today
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion G, conference hall G4
17 June
BRICS: On the Verge of Change
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
17 June
Mentorship as a System for Personnel Development
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
17 June
Acting Together: Thinking as One Country
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
17 June
Social Cohesion and Societal Resilience
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
17 June
Careers and Development of Young Professionals in the Real Economy: Today and Tomorrow
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion G, conference hall G6
Energy debate

17 June
Horizontal Linkages in the Young Entrepreneurial Community and Parallel Imports
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion H, conference hall H22 (2nd floor)
17 June
Student Tournament on International Negotiations with a Foreign Partner
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion H, conference hall H23 (2nd floor)
17 June
People’s Diplomacy: A Dialogue of Leaders
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
17 June
Energy Panel
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
17 June
Youth Technology Entrepreneurship: Unveiling New Opportunities and Challenges
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
17 June
Media Education as a Dominant Factor in Shaping the Value System of Modern Society
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
17 June
A Future in Russia is Possible! How Can You Build a Successful Career in Your Homeland?
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4

17 June
The Mentor – a Vital Figure: Creating Russia's Effective Institution
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
17 June
Mentor Investment Lounge
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E12
17 June
Cultural Dialogues in the Era of Global Change
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4
17 June
Statistics in the Service of Society: Present and Future
The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
17 June
17 June
17 June
#amateur #attention #professional
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion G, conference hall G6
Discussion with elements of a workshop

17 June
Building an Ecosystem of Human Potential in the Spatial Data Industry
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion H, conference hall H22 (2nd floor)
17 June
Challenges in Regional Community Development
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B1
17 June
Russia and Iran: Fostering Youth Cooperation in a New Era
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2
17 June
How Can Individuals Monetize Their Ideas and Projects Through Corporate Entrepreneurship Programmes?
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3
17 June
Pitching the Finest Social Projects by the Winners of the #InThisTogether International Award
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B4
17 June
Investing in Traditional Values: A Prosperous Multi-Child Family as a National Idea
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone A, 3rd floor, conference hall A
17 June
Russia's Emerging Influencers and the Fight Against Fakes
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D1
17 June
Eco-Tourism: Achieving a Harmonious Balance Between Conservation and Visitor Accessibility
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D4

17 June
The Path to a Vocation: Modern Career Guidance Tools for Young People
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone D, conference hall D3
17 June
Adolescent Employment in an Era of Challenges and Transformations
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion G, conference hall G5
17 June
Speed-dating with a Mentor business game
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E12
Mentor Investment Lounge

17 June
AI Journey: A Voyage into the World of Artificial Intelligence
International Youth Economic Forum
Pavilion G, conference hall G6