Business programme

14 –17 June 2023

14 June
Russia – Kyrgyz Republic
Business Dialogue
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
14 June
Architecture of Sky Development: The Face of the New Economy 2035
The World Economy at a Global Turning Point
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
14 June
Pavilion H, conference hall H22 (2nd floor)
14 June
Professionalism: An Industry-Specific Approach to Staff Training in the Context of Import Substitution
Building Technological Sovereignty
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11
14 June
Promoting Science for Business and Government
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion G, conference hall G3
14 June
Returning to Russia: The Potential of Compatriots for Regional Development
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion F, conference hall F3
14 June
A Place for Everyone: Education and Science in Agricultural Universities
The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges
Pavilion G, conference hall G2
14 June
The Role of Women in Shaping Russia's Future
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E12
14 June
LET'S GO: Integrated Unmanned Freight Transport Hits the Motorway for the First Time
Building Technological Sovereignty
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
14 June
Business Dialogue
Hilton Saint Petersburg ExpoForum (2nd floor), Hilton Hall 2
14 June
Developing an Inclusive Community: Tripartite Dialogue on the Role of Inclusion in the Development of Russia's Human Potential
Protecting the Population and Quality of Life as the Main Priority
Pavilion G, conference hall G6