Brazil has been Russia's top trading partner in Latin America since 2010. In 2022, a year marked by new global challenges, the trade turnover between Russia and Brazil saw an increase of 13%. This was made possible by the mutual desire of the business and political communities of both countries to support and develop the strategic partnership between Russia and Brazil, while jointly addressing emerging challenges. The Russia–Brazil Business Council meeting will provide a platform for business representatives and government officials from both countries to discuss cooperation across various sectors, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, energy, and banking.
Almir Americo,
Head of the Moscow office of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, ApexBrasil
Andrey Guryev,
President, Russian Association of Fertilizer Producers (RAFP)
Pavel Kalmychek,
Director for Bilateral Cooperation Development Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (online)
Fernando De Castro Marques,
President, Uniao Quimica Farmaceutica Nacional SA (online)
Sergey Katyrin,
President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Yegor Kvyatkovsky,
Vice-President for Marketing and Development, Private Institution Rusatom - International Network (Rosatom State Corporation)
Decio Coutinho,
President of Brazilian Renderers Association – ABRA (online)
Darya Snitko,
Vice-President, Gazprombank
Alexander Shchetinin,
Director of the Latin American Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation