Domestic Brands: New Opportunities for Growth
Not so long ago, one could hear panicked statements about the prospects for the economy in Russia. But in reality, thousands of companies are showing not just growth, but double-digit growth in sales. Russian companies now have the opportunity to occupy the vacated market niches left by Western players. But it won't be long before the niches are filled. One way to drive rapid growth is the creation of a strong brand: no matter how good the product is, it is difficult to reach consumers without effective positioning and promotion. Conversely, the “right packaging” (in the broadest sense of the word) can significantly shorten the path to a consumer’s heart.
Mikhail Khomich,
Special Projects Director, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI)
Herman Gref,
Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank
Vladimir Komlev,
Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer, National Payment Card System
Artemy Lebedev,
Founder, Art. Lebedev Studio
Maksim Oreshkin,
Aide to the President of the Russian Federation
Svetlana Chupsheva,
General Director, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Konstantin Ernst,
General Director, Channel One Russia
Front row participants
Alexander Brechalov,
Head of the Udmurt Republic
Andrey Krivenko,
Founder, VkusVill
Vladimir Tabak,
General Director, Dialogue ANO
Igor Shuvalov,
Chairman, VEB.RF