The Labour Market: A Response to the New Challenges. The Role of Priority 2030
The Priority 2030 programme has become a vital mechanism for supporting Russian universities in creating new forms of collaboration between universities and employers, and an incentive for horizontal mobility for students and teachers within Russia. Heads of leading universities, departments, practical organizations and academic institutions involved in the Priority 2030 programme will share their experiences and the achievements of the programme’s first few years. How can we find answers to the challenges of the labour market? How can we predict the outlook for the market and the competencies that future graduates will need?
Anatoly Torkunov,
Rector, MGIMO University
Arutyun Avetisyan,
Director, Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Andrey Keller,
Director of the Sociocenter - the Operator of the Program "Priority - 2030"
Evgeny Merkulov,
Rector, Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering
Elvira Nurgalieva,
Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Vladimir Sitnikov,
Rector, Stavropol State Agrarian University
Alexander Trubilin,
Rector, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin
Alexander Fedyakov,
Director, "School 21"
Inna Shevchenko,
Rector, Southern Federal University (SFedU)
Andrey Shcherbenok,
Director, School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen