A Place for Everyone: Education and Science in Agricultural Universities
Recent years have witnessed remarkable growth within the Russian higher agrarian education and pre-university training system. Agricultural universities and their consortia have been actively involved in prominent federal initiatives such as Priority 2030 and Advanced Engineering Schools. For three consecutive years, universities have contributed to the development of innovative solutions in various agricultural domains, encompassing genetic and breeding technologies, bioengineering and biotechnology, fodder and additives, and other critical areas within the agricultural sector. Undoubtedly, this progress aligns with the goal of import substitution, which holds significant importance. Equally vital is the creation of new educational programmes aimed at attracting talented young individuals to the realm of agrarian science, with the potential to revolutionize modern agriculture. In Russia, fields like genetics, biostatistics, data science, and molecular biology stand as highly sought-after disciplines. What are the key priorities of agricultural education in the current economic landscape? How do agrarian universities provide training and career prospects for students? Does genuine scientific research thrive within the realm of agrarian education? Exploring the intersection of agrarian education and science amidst the "new reality": what are the overarching goals, objectives, and means of implementation? How is the business community actively supporting the youth in the agricultural sector? Are there any early vocational orientation initiatives available for aspiring individuals in the agribusiness field, and how can one engage in these programmes?
Nadezhda Orlova,
Head, Department for Economics of Innovation in Agriculture, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Vladimir Avdeenko,
Head of the Directorate for the Development of Agro- and Biotechnologies, Innopraktika
Maria Bocharova,
President, APH ECO-Culture
Aleksandra Glazkova,
Deputy General Director – Director for Organizational Development, Uralchem
Dmitry Guzhelya,
Deputy General Director, ANO Russia – Land of Opportunity
Irina Zhukova,
Director, Integration
Anastasia Mikhailova,
Director of the Сommunications Directorate, Cherkizovo Group
Maxim Protasov,
Head, Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo)
Vladimir Sitnikov,
Rector, Stavropol State Agrarian University
Mikhail Sterkin,
Deputy General Director for Sales, Marketing and Logistics, PhosAgro