Combatting Counterfeit Goods: A National Cause
The situation in the foreign trade market is still unstable and difficult to predict, but some conclusions can already be drawn. Allowing parallel imports and increasing product prices and excise duties could trigger the largest influx of counterfeit goods to markets in recent years, resulting in billions of dollars in losses to the economy. Declining trade volumes due to the current global sociopolitical events coupled with the moratorium on inspections and reduced liability for economic crimes has allowed illicit trade to develop almost unhindered and occupy the Russian market. The drop in the volume of legal products on the market, the shortfall in budget revenues, and the weakening of competition will have a direct impact on the revenues of Russia’s regions, both large and small. Despite the work of individual constituent entities, there is still a high risk of an increase in the share of the illegal market further driven by the lack of coordination and consolidation of all players at all levels. Is it possible to achieve complete consolidation of federal executive bodies in the fight against counterfeit goods? Will such measures help improve the situation and significantly reduce the level of counterfeit goods? What role can the public play in the fight against counterfeit goods? What risks do parallel imports pose to the economy?
Andrey Barannikov,
Chief Executive Officer, SPN Communications
Oleg Barvin,
Yuri Vasilchenko,
Deputy Head, Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation
Mikhail Dubin,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Advanced Technologies Development Center (ATDC)
Sergey Katasonov,
Co-Chairman of the Expert Council of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the Development of Competition in Markets for Nicotine-containing Products, Issues of State Regulation of Relations in the Field of Production and Circulation of Tobacco and Innovative Nicotine-containing Products
Ekaterina Priezzheva,
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Maxim Protasov,
Head, Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo)
Sergey Slipchenko,
Member of the Presidium of the Board, All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Front row participants
Svyatoslav Vilk,
General Director, Aqua Holding
Sergey Glushkov,
Director of Corporate Relations and Communications, JTI Russia