Medical Tourism: Improving Healthcare Systems Around the World
Russia has set a goal of increasing exports of medical services to $1 billion in sales by 2024. To achieve this, the country needs to attract 1.2 million foreign patients. Today, current destinations for medical exports include not only the CIS and BRICS countries, but also the Middle East. The availability of stateof-the-art medical technologies in the Russian Federation and a number of competitive advantages of receiving routine medical care in the country should help attract tourists from the Middle East. It is necessary to build cooperation with the Middle East by consistently promoting domestic medical organizations that have a strong international reputation for excellence in Russian health care and highlighting their compliance with international quality and service standards. In the Middle East itself, there are also many healthcare initiatives underway today that offer significant opportunities for foreign investors. Which "growth points" can be identified for the development of medical tourism in Russia? Which successful foreign medical tourism projects can be "grounded" in Russia? Is it possible to implement medical tourism investment projects in Russia and other interested countries? What are the barriers and opportunities? How can priorities be set for the development of medical tourism in the
Elena Aksenova,
Director, Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department
Dmitry Arsyutov,
Maria Grudina,
Elena Zhidkova,
Aleksandr Lila,
Director, V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology
Oleg Salagay,
Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation (online)
Roman Chichkanov,
Deputy General Director for Investments, Far East and Arctic Development Corporation
Front row participants
Oksana Melnik,
Chief Physician, X-clinic
Andrey Yumshanov,
General Director, Kavkaz.RF