Business-Contact with Vladimir Soloviev
A unique opportunity has emerged for Russia in terms of its economic sovereignty and the development of new integration ties. Business might be experiencing change, but the economy will end up in a strong position. Achieving the six top-priority goals set out by the President is vital: taking collaboration with key partners to a deeper level, strengthening technological sovereignty and the exponential growth of manufacturing, financial sovereignty, the rapid development of infrastructure, reducing poverty and inequality, and protecting motherhood. What is the role and extent of responsibility of business in resolving the challenges for Russia’s development? Is there any domestic capital and how can it be used for the good of the country? Which investment policy will bring about the biggest growth in prosperity and quality of life?
Vladimir Solovyev,
Journalist, Anchor on the Television Show "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov"
Musa Bazhaev,
President, Alliance Group
Kirill Lipa,
General Director, Transmashholding
Yury Maksimov,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Positive Technologies
Igor Shuvalov,
Chairman, VEB.RF
Nazim Efendiev,
Chief Executive Officer, Management Company METALLOINVEST