Russia as a Global Tech Hub: New Strategies to Create Unicorn Companies
Over the past year, high-tech companies have encountered a number of significant barriers caused by international tensions, ranging from a shortage of components to greater competition for highly qualified specialists. At the same time, numerous tech companies managed to quickly reshape their export strategies to include the fast-growing markets of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. In addition, several companies were also able to start implementing investment projects that aim to fill vacant niches on the domestic market. In response to the challenges, Russia has created a number of brand-new support tools for tech companies that aim to stimulate business development in Russia and successfully improve domestic products to the level of their foreign analogues. One of the priorities of this support was to ensure that its recipients maintain high growth rates and take part in the implementation of priority import-substituting projects. What are the main factors for enhancing a jurisdiction’s appeal for the tech business? Which of them can Russia utilize in a short time? What are the key risks and opportunities for the development of startups, gazelle companies, and digital ecosystems in Russia? How can we coordinate work to achieve the country’s technological sovereignty with new models of the supplier, customer, and regulator? What tools for promoting Russian innovative products abroad could be essential amidst the current tensions?
Dan Medovnikov,
Director of the Innovation Management Institute, Graduate School of Business, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Anatoly Braverman,
General Director, RVC
Maxim Kolesnikov,
Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Nikolay Kolpakov,
Chief Executive Officer, Innovative Engineering Center
Alexey Miroshnichenko,
First Deputy Chairman - Member of the Board, VEB.RF
Natalya Popova,
First Deputy General Director, Innopraktika
Alexander Chernoshchekin,
Senior Vice President, Head of the Digital Business Unit, Promsvyazbank
Dmitry Shcherbinin,
Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; Member, Interdepartmental Working Group on Implementation of the National Technological Initiative
Front row participants
Mikhail Aronson,
Deputy General Director, Zyfra
Sanat Akhanov,
Chairman of the Board, Qazinnovations National Agency for the Development of Innovations
Alexey Semenov,
Chairman of the Management Board, Geoscan Group
Aleksey Filimonov,
Executive Director of the National Association for Technology Transfer