Strategic Dialogue: Technological Development
The events taking place around the world right now have underscored just how important and acute it is for Russia to be competitive and independent in providing critical services for the public. The challenges and threats are largely systemic and multifaceted and are dictating new demands for the content and quality of planning the country’s science and technology policy. One of the most important needs is to develop an approach to systemic forecasting and to identify key factors that contribute to the development of new breakthrough technologies. How can we avoid miscalculations in an era when the situation is rapidly changing in Russia and around the world? What should be the key attributes of a scientific and technological forecasting system? What datasets, sources, and collection methods are crucial for forecasting?
Andrey Fursenko,
Aide to the President of the Russian Federation
Andrey Bezrukov,
President, Technological Sovereignty Exports Association; Professor, Department of Applied International Analysis, MGIMO University
Vadim Govorun,
Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, academician, Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, Research Institute of System Biology and Medicine of Rospotrebnadzor
Anton Dumin,
Director of the Directorate for Information Technologies, Automation and Telecommunications, Gazprom Neft
Sergey Ivanov,
Executive Director, EFKO Group of Companies
Mikhail Kovalchuk,
President, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
Gennady Krasnikov,
President, Russian Academy of Sciences
Front row participants
Iliya Dimitrov,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Analytical Center JSC; Member of the Foreign and Defense Policy Council
Yury Zhukovsky,
Director of the Center for Digital Technology, Saint Petersburg Mining University
Alexander Zudin,
Director, National Research Institute of Public Health
Aleksandr Shirov,
Director, Head of the Analysis, Production Potential Forecasting and Cross industry Cooperation Lab, Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences