The New Migration Policy: How is the Labour Market Set to Change and How Can We Attract Highly Qualified Professionals?
Migration is a natural phenomenon involving the movement of individuals across countries and continents. It serves as a mechanism to address various issues both in the countries of origin and the receiving regions. However, migration also entails a range of risks. Numerous European countries have grappled with the challenges posed by the substantial influx of migrants over the past decade. While attempting to address declining birth rates and labour shortages, these countries have witnessed an upsurge in crime and xenophobia. Nonetheless, it is essential to recognize that, given the global demographic decline in developed nations, including Russia, the inclusion of young professionals from other countries is indispensable. Nevertheless, Russian migration policy in the 21st century should be guided by intelligence, coherence, project-based approaches, and an avoidance of addressing accumulated challenges merely through numerical means. The state must proactively modernize regulations in this domain, leveraging innovative digital solutions to minimize corruption and criminal risks, ensuring transparency, and promoting the efficiency and productivity of migrant labour. How many migrants currently reside and work in Russia, and what methods can be employed to modernize their accounting, control, and legal status? What digital solutions can be implemented to facilitate this process? Which sectors of the economy experience the most significant labour shortages, and can these gaps be filled using domestic resources? What potential does the Russian labour market hold in terms of enhancing productivity, adopting new technologies, embracing automation and digitalization? Can large-scale infrastructure projects that require a substantial workforce be executed without relying on migrant workers? To what extent can the "project migration" mechanism be effective, whereby foreign workers are recruited for a limited period to undertake specific construction projects? Should the government prioritize increasing the birthrate, and if so, what extraordinary measures could be employed, such as establishing state contracts with families willing to have more than three children? How can advancements in medicine, the promotion of healthy lifestyles among citizens, and measures to reduce mortality rates resulting from traffic accidents and other external factors contribute to population preservation?
Lilia Ovcharova,
Vice Rector, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Dmitry Volvach,
Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Michael Mawashi,
Musician, Public Figure, Blogger
Elena Mukhtiyarova,
Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Valery Fadeev,
Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation; Chairman, Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights