Comprehensive Resocialization of Veterans: Global Experience and Best Russian Practices
Now and in the coming years, there will be a large group of people in Russia who have returned from the Special Military Operation with injuries making their previous life impossible – for themselves and their surroundings. Up to 10% of the entire population is under guarantee. Much is already being done for the psychological, physical and social adaptation of the veterans. Yet to meet this challenge nationwide, best practices need to be brought together, and a systematic and scalable process put in place for the medical, psychological, social and economic reintegration of veterans and their families. How should the systematic work be organized for supporting combatants and their families? How should social adaptation and economic reintegration be built? How does this affect the economy? What is the role of companies, the state and NGOs in this? How can the experience of other countries, such as Israel, Armenia and the USA, be used?
Viktor Surkov,
Partner, Yakov & Partners
Olga Batalina,
First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Alexander Pirozhenko,
Head of Best Practices Direction, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Vera Podguzova,
Senior Vice President, Director of External Relations Directorate, Promsvyazbank
Karine Sarkissian,
Chief Executive Officer, Insurance Foundation for Servicemen of the Republic of Armenia
Anton Filimonov,
Member of the Special Military Operation, holder of the Order of Courage
Yoel Har-Even,
Director of the International Division and Resource Development, Sheba Medical Center (online)
Anna Tsivileva,
Chairman, Государственного фонда поддержки участников специальной военной операции «Защитники Отечества»
Evgeniy Shuvalov,
Social Coordinator, Branch of the State Fund for Supporting Participants in the Special Military Operation "Defenders of the Fatherland" in St. Petersburg; Veteran of a Special Military Operation