Tourism in Russia: A Focus on People, Sustainable Development, and Investment Attractiveness
Tourism is a priority sector of the economy and a leading job creator. Tourism contributes to the growth of entrepreneurial and investment activity, the development of services and hospitality infrastructure, the improvement of quality of life indicators, and the expansion of international cooperation, and plays a huge role in building partnerships and mutual understanding between countries. A notable feature of the industry is its relative stability during economic recessions and geopolitical instability and quick post-recession recovery. Russia's tourism sector retains significant growth potential, and there are a wide range of opportunists for strengthening its role as a driver of economic growth in the regions and the country as a whole. The sustainable development of tourism in Russia is closely linked to service quality and requires that we take an integrated approach to workforce planning and ensure that an effective system of training is in place at all levels in line with strategic guidelines. We also need to focus on long-term planning and increasing investment attractiveness, and the tweaking of all subsystems. Increased travel in Russia can not only stimulate economic growth, but also ensure its socio-cultural and sustainable development. What are the new opportunities for the development of tourism in Russia in the current socio-political conditions? How can we maximize the economic and investment potential of domestic and inbound tourism? What are the prospects for the mid and long-term development of the tourism and hospitality industry, including the sustainable development of the regions and country as a whole? How can we harness the creative approaches of young innovators to promote tourism today? What is the role of interregional projects in the socio-economic development of regions? What technologies are available to promote tourism in the Russian Federation?
Welcome Remark
Alexander Beglov,
Governor of St. Petersburg
Veronika Strizhak,
TV presenter, Izvestia; member of the Academy of Russian Television
Igor Bukharov,
President, Federation of Restaurateurs & Hoteliers of Russia
Elena Vasilievna,
Acting General Director, ANO "Competence Center in the field of tourism and hospitality"
Dmitry Vakhrukov,
Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Alexander Drozdenko,
Governor of the Leningrad Region – Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad Region
Olga Zakharova,
Director of the division "Urban economy", Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Sergey Ivanov,
Chairman, State Committee on Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan
Elina Isagulova,
Vice President for B2B Commerce and Operations Management, VK
Evgeniy Kozlov,
First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow; Chairman of the Committee for Tourism of the City of Moscow
Sergey Korneev,
Chairman, Saint Petersburg Committee for Tourism Development
Oxana Leonenko,
General Manager of The Carlton Moscow
Elena Rakova,
First Deputy Head of the Passenger Transportation Department, Russian Railways
Igor Rudenia,
Governor of Tver Region
Lyubov Sovershaeva,
Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Central Federal District
Vladimir Solodov,
Governor of Kamchatka Territory
Ksenia Titova,
Head of Project Office, ProGorod
Natalya Trunova,
Auditor, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
Alexander Tsybulskiy,
Governor of Arkhangelsk Region
Andrey Yumshanov,
General Director, Kavkaz.RF
Front row participant
Azamat Raimov,
Руководитель сектора туризма Посольства Республики Узбекистан в Российской Федерации
Rukovoditel' sektora turizma Posol'stva Respubliki Uzbekistan v Rossiyskoy Federatsii
Head of the tourism sector of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation