
Made in Russia: Creating a National Brand

Congress Centre, Conference Hall D1

Free trade and e-commerce erase boundaries for consumers, opening up access to the global market for goods and services. This creates new opportunities for Russian exporters and their products: with the creation of recognized brands, Russian entrepreneurs can create product loyalty for goods and services the world over. What brand attributes should customers gain from the Made in Russia label? How can Russian exporters build recognition in key export markets and what experience from other countries is relevant? What support systems and services should underpin a national brand in order to secure the substantial growth of a value-added good or service?

Sergey Brilev , Anchor, Deputy Director, Russia TV Channel; President, The Bering-Bellingshausen Institute for the Americas

Daniil Algulyan , Senior Vice President, Export Financing and Documentary Operations, State Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)
Aleksey Andreev , Managing Partner, Depot WPF; Co-President, Russian Brand Consultancies Association (ABKR)
Vladimir Dmitriev , Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Alexey Dumin , Governor of Tula Region
Sergey Levin , State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Denis Manturov , Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Sadchenkov , Head of Project "Made in Russia", The Roscongress Foundation
Sergey Slipchenko , Vice President for Corporate Affairs in Russia and Belarus, Philip Morris International
Petr Fradkov , Chief Executive Officer, Russian Export Center
Xenia Frank , Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation
Michael Harms , Managing Director, German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations
Svetlana Chupsheva , Chief Executive Officer, Agency for Strategic Initiatives
Mikhail Shamolin , President, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Board Director, Chairman of the Management Board, Sistema

Nikolay Andreev , Adviser to the Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board, Sberbank; General Director, Sberbank-Ast
Natalya Litovko , Editor-in-Chief, «STRANA» TV channel
Alicia Nikitina , Director of Education Initiative, Russian Export Center
Andrey Pavlov , Founder, president, Zenden Group
Maxim Protasov , Head, Russian Quality System


Key moments

We are actively working with general public focus groups and seeking to reach a new branding level as ‘Tula – the Russian workshop’.
Alexey Dumin
Governor of Tula Region
The projects and brands that emerge and gain quality and demand locally should be supported by the state.
Alexey Dumin
Governor of Tula Region
We need to offer quality output to the external market but, at the same time, use the opportunities that are available – be they global, inherited from Soviet times, or new ones, including those created by regional brands that become famous and marketable.
Petr Fradkov
Chief Executive Officer, Russian Export Center
In the first place, conditions must be created to make sure the idea ‘Russian means mine’ is embedded in the perception of the Russian audience, and exports will then string along.
Natalya Litovko
Editor-in-Chief, «STRANA» TV channel
The priority goal is to find a model, a single strategy that would allow a solid and purposeful communications and information strategy and the role of each institute in promoting the unified ‘Made in Russia’ brand to be established.
Svetlana Chupsheva
Chief Executive Officer, Agency for Strategic Initiatives
‘Made in Russia’ is about communication; it has to be promoted by joint efforts through manufacturing companies and our culture.
Mikhail Sadchenkov
Head of Project "Made in Russia", The Roscongress Foundation
We have to promote Russia as an image reminding foreigners of what might make them associate themselves with that image.
Denis Manturov
Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
The international brands that will emerge tomorrow will be created by people who are being born now and growing up in small towns and villages, so it is essential to support human capital.
Xenia Frank
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation