

Securing the Future
Panel discussion
Pavilion 3, Amphitheatre

Continued concerns over safety following the Fukushima disaster and insufficient finance schemes are restraining nuclear power’s potential as part of the energy mix. In which regions of the world can atomic energy gain new impetus for development, and where will it become a thing of the past?

Michael Suess , Member of the Managing Board, Siemens AG

Taner Yıldız , Minister of Energy of Turkey
Sergey Kirienko , Chief Executive Officer, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
Henri Proglio , Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, EDF
Denis Flory , Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Jan Mladek , Director, Institute for Applied Economics
Andrei Timofeev , Partner, Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group


Key moments

The pessimistic predictions for changes in nuclear energy development programmes have not been borne out.
Sergei Kirienko
The pessimistic predictions for changes in nuclear energy development programmes have not been borne out.
Sergei Kirienko
The pessimistic predictions for changes in nuclear energy development programmes have not been borne out.
Sergei Kirienko
“Universal implementation of IAEA safety standards of emergency preparedness and response at the national level is crucial. It improves preparedness and response, it facilitates communication in an emergency and it also contributes to the harmonization of national criteria for protective actions.”
Denis Flory
The pessimistic predictions for changes in nuclear energy development programmes have not been borne out.
Sergei Kirienko
The pessimistic predictions for changes in nuclear energy development programmes have not been borne out.
Sergei Kirienko
The pessimistic predictions for changes in nuclear energy development programmes have not been borne out.
Sergei Kirienko