

Russia’s New Horizons
Pavilion 4, Conference Hall 4.3

With Russian GDP expected to expand from USD 2 trillion in 2011 to USD 3.2 trillion by 2017, investors are targeting both growth in consumption and resource and logistics management projects. What are the direct investment trends for both domestic and foreign investors, and how will money be put to work over the coming 18 months? What measures should be taken to further foster direct investment?

Josh Lerner , Professor, Harvard Business School

Bruno Ancelin , Senior Vice-President, Renault
Stanislav Voskresensky , Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Dmitriev , Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Kirill Dmitriev , Chief Executive Officer, Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF)
Tadashi Maeda , Managing Executive Officer, Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)

Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Artem Kudryavtsev , President, TransTeleCom Company
Alexander Pirozhenko , Director, Priority Programs Department, Agency for Strategic Initiatives
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Martin Stanley , Global Head, Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets
Daniel Truell , Chief Investment Officer, Wellcome Trust
Dimitris Tsitsiragos , Vice President, New Business, International Finance Corporation
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)


Key moments

One needs to look not only for “hard” infrastructure, which is very important, but also pay attention to soft infrastructure, especially today with respect to education and health care.
Dimitris Tsitsiragos
The message is very clear: if you’re stable and if you have a strategy here (in Russia), there’s absolutely no doubt that there will be development. You must be very consistent and stable. But the potential is here.
Bruno Ancelin
When it comes to the role and place of development institutions, it’s safe to say that Russia has introduced serious and dependable vehicles, which thankfully can act as exciting and reliable partners for foreign investors who are committed to working with Russia.
Vladimir Dmitriev
The depth of capital markets, has got to be an absolute key priority in Russia in terms of actually encouraging big international money to move away from what it’s doing at the moment, which is investing in Russia through multinationals, to actually investing directly.
Daniel Truell
We’ve given Kaliningrad an objective, and quite an ambitious one at that, whereby in ten years it should be ranked within the top-10 places for doing business. Although this is a difficult objective, it is also realistic.
Stanislav Voskresensky