

Business Roundtable
Pavilion 4, Conference Hall 4.1

In recent years, Asian economies have become Russia’s key partners in expanding international economic ties, and Japan is no exception to this trend. Yet bringing trade, economic and investment relations between Russia and Japan to its full potential remains a challenge. What policy prescriptions and private sector steps could unlock a new cycle of deepening bilateral economic cooperation, and what are the development prospects over the medium term? How might the introduction of new incentives for domestic production in Russia create opportunities for Japanese business?

Andrey Varichev , Chief Executive Officer, Management Company METALLOINVEST LLC; Member of the Management Board, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)

Nikita Belykh , Governor of the Kirov Region
Stanislav Voskresensky , Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Alexander Galushka , Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East
Evgeny Dod , Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer, RusHydro JSC
Masahiro Ibi , Vice President, Japan Association for Trade with Russia and NIS (ROTOBO)
Norihiko Ishiguro , Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
Ichiyo Ishikawa , Executive Commentator, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
Noriaki Koyama , Group Executive Vice-President, Fast Retailing Co Ltd
Hiroshi Meguro , General Director, Mitsui & Co Moscow LLC
Konstantin Ryzhkov , Director, Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF)
Motoi Sasaki , Vice-Minister for Infrastructure, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan
Sergey Tolstoguzov , Director General, RAO Energy Systems of the East
Seiki Fukuda , Executive Vice President, Japan Post Co., Ltd
Alexander Shokhin , President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Sergey Yastrebov , Governor of the Yaroslavl Region

Front row participants
Valeriy Draganov , Chairman of the Board of Directors, Coalco Development
Alexander Panov , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russian Federation in Japan (1996-2003)
Svetlana Shamzon , Vice President, Closed Joint-Stock Company TransTeleCom


Key moments

Major corporate investment is a political issue. At the same time, conditions for fostering small and medium-sized enterprises should appear so that economic ties can develop.
Nikita Belyh
We need to offer investors products that can help them do business both successfully and safely in the Far East.
Alexander Galushka
Agriculture, transport and logistics, IT, and pharmaceuticals are currently the most attractive sectors in Russia for Japanese investors.
Stanislav Voskresensky