
How Can Individuals Monetize Their Ideas and Projects Through Corporate Entrepreneurship Programmes?

17 Jun , 14:00–15:15
International Youth Economic Forum
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B3

What types of business projects are being implemented within companies, and what impact do they have? How would you characterize the development of corporate business projects in the current landscape? In the realm of corporate business, what is the role of young professionals, and what specific competencies are sought after?

Oleg Dolzhenko, Director of Development, Marketing and Client Policy, AtomEnergoSbyt

Andrey Batrimenko, Director of the Center for the Development of New Products, Academy of Rostec Group of Companies
Semen Volchkov, Senior Manager, Tsifrum
Oleg Makarov, Advisor to the Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh)
Victoria Romanova, Head of Department, InnoHub
Tatyana Smirnova, Head of the Direction, Gazprom Neft
Alexey Tisenkov, Head of Partnership Development Program, Gazpromneft-CR

Front row participants
Olesya Ishchenko, Chief Expert, Voronezhsintezkauchuk – SIBUR Holding
Nikita Likhachev, Chief Specialist of the Protocol Group, MSZ Machinery Manufacturing Plant
Daniel Hugo Santos, Member Philippine-Russian Business assembly
Olga Tulikova, Project Manager, Rosenergoatom
